Saturday, July 25, 2020

Too much pessimism clouds silver lining for Chinas economy - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Viewpoint careers advice blog

Too much pessimism clouds silver lining for Chinas economy - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Chinas slowing economy has exacerbated the gloomy sentiment about the worlds most populated market and sparked worries about massive job losses amid potential company collapses and loan defaults.  But I firmly believe that this pessimism has been overdone. Putting it into perspective Economic growth is slowing, but a year-on-year expansion of around 7 per cent, or even slightly lower than that, is very positive in a global context. A recent survey by recruiting experts Hays has not only provided a snapshot of the country’s economic status, but added weight to the bullish outlook amid China’s huge growth potential.  The Hays Global Skills Index 2015, developed in conjunction with Oxford Economics, showed China scored 4.7 points, 0.3 percentage point down from 2014. China’s slowly decreasing overall index (5.0 in 2014) suggests that employers are progressively finding it easier to source the skilled labour they need for their operations. China’s slowing rate of economic growth is alleviating some of the hiring pressure on employers, reducing the severity of China’s long running “skills shortage” in many industries. However, a deeper look into the seven indicators that comprise this Index, show that Employers still face real challenges in managing their human resources. The indicator for “Overall Wage Pressure” (7.5) sends out a loud message: the Chinese employment market is still facing a shortage of skilled candidates with employers prepared to use salary to compete for the top talent. There are signs that improvements are on the way Our research also found that China is grappling with severe labour market inflexibility. There are signs that improvements are on the way, as with policy makers re-visiting some vocational certifications and aiming to reduce the constraints on talent movement between industries, utilising their transferable skills and encouraging a more active, fair and competitive job market. An engine for growth Nonetheless, the prospect for stable economc growth in China remains bright, buoyed by the new growth engine which the government is striving to create. The leaderships New Normal strategy relying on strong consumer spending and youngsters enterprising spirit to sustain a slower but healthier growth is more than just verbal support.  The central plank of the effort is to urge a wide application of internet technologies to enhance business efficiency or create customer-friendly transaction models, aiming to redraw the countrys commercial landscape. There are suspicions about the effectiveness of the direction of the new policy since it is yet to generate substantial returns to buttress the slowing economy.  But if you take a close look at the business realm in China, prospective profit stars abound. According to a report by iResearch, Chinas leading market research firm focusing on information technology, 47 firms in the country now sport the tag of unicorns, or unlisted internet companies which are valued at no less than US$1 billion. Its just a matter of time before the upcoming internet giants begin generating millions of new jobs.  The State Council recently launched a 60 billion yuan investment fund slated for small companies.  The amount may not be adequate to benefit all small firms, but its a clear message that Beijing is adamant on implementing the Internet Plus strategy. Its just a matter of time before the upcoming internet giants begin generating millions of new jobs The decision to bolster internet firms is well founded. Internet technologies have abundantly changed Chinese peoples lives with mainlanders from all walks of life using WeChat to communicate with each other while ordering goods or services via the internet. Its safe to say that China has already become a frontrunner in developing the online-to-offline (O2O) model worldwide as the use of mobile technology in the country is ahead of any other market around the globe.  The government is fully aware of the trend and understands the necessity of giving real support to thousands of startups that could evolve into corporate giants in the future. The securities regulator is mulling over a plan to scrap the profit requirements for internet firms seeking capital infusion on the stock market.  The deregulation would be a ground-breaking move in the country where the securities watchdog has long been criticised for its ineffective regulation on listed firms with many of them found to have inflated earnings to gain a ticket to initial public offering. Allowing unprofitable internet firms a green light to IPO is by all means a psychological boost to thousands of youngsters keen on setting up their own businesses. Its true that China is losing its competitive edge in labor-intensive manufacturing sectors to some emerging economies, but a wave of innovative tech companies could eventually offset the loss of jobs amid relocation of production facilities abroad.  The internet giants could usher in a complete chain of businesses, all the way from warehousing, delivery and after-sales services to payment. The reason for being bullish about the countrys e-commerce outlook is simple: millions of consumers would emerge to be the top beneficiary of the new business model as they can access a wider variety of goods and services by using Apps while paying less for them. Businesses, educational establishments and governments need to work together Its also needless to say that buoyant consumer spending would have a ripple effect on the manufacturing and service sectors as long as they provide products catering to the needs of customers.  New jobs arise in tandem with the expansion of online business empires.  In fact, a transformation of the business model could lead to a temporary problem of talent mismatch that was reflected in the Hays Global Skills Index which awarded China a relatively high score of 4.9. Working together There are no quick fixes in tandem with the transitional period when employees, job seekers and businesses are experiencing some changes never seen before â€" anywhere.  But it is clear in all cases that businesses, educational establishments and governments need to work together to build the right skills pipeline enshrined by the New Normal growth model. We propose a series of recommendations for policy makers, employers and international organizations: The first is to enable more and easier skilled migration to allow businesses access to workers with key skills; secondly, it is necessary to ensure better training for employees and closer collaboration with schools, universities and technical colleges to deliver the skills pipeline of the future; and finally, businesses must be encouraged to embrace technology and maximize the skills at their disposal. I hope you found the above information interesting and useful     please see below for links to  other financial markets  blogs  which may be of interest to you and your teams: Digital destruction: Could Fintech kill banking jobs? The basics of business partner functions Business partners should be seen, and heard Intrapreneurship and labs: How banks are fostering innovation China stock market jitters: Keep calm and carry on Marty McFly, Twitter better Investor Relations How banks are changing old ways to attract Millennials To share your thoughts on this article and to stay up to date with the latest business, employment and recruitment news in the financial markets sector, please join our LinkedIn group, Financial Markets Industry Insights with Hays. Join the conversation //

Saturday, July 18, 2020

A quick simple guide to becoming healthier and happier at work

A brisk basic manual for getting more beneficial and more joyful at work We go through very nearly 8 hours at work each day and around 6 of those hours we are sitting at a work area with almost no action. Sitting at a work area for significant stretches of time isn't solid for our bodies and it isn't suggested. We have to get our blood streaming and keeping in mind that sitting in a terrible stance and eating undesirable nourishments doesn't enable; we to do have solid other options. With little changes, for example, standing work areas, 5 minutes of action, and trading sweet beverages for more water, we can enable our bodies to remain sound. Being upbeat and sound at work builds efficiency and your general state of mind at work. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-promotion 1467144145037-0'); }); Healthy workers are cheerful representatives! Here are some extraordinary tips for getting more beneficial and more joyful at work.Source [ Ultimate Mats ]

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Our guide to building your smart-casual work wardrobe this summer

Our manual for building your savvy easygoing work closet this mid year Manufacturing a work closet is a craftsmanship, particularly when the clothing standard is savvy easygoing. That is to say, what does brilliant easygoing really mean? What types and styles of dress fit into that class? Peruse on for certain tips on the most proficient method to nail this search for summer and intrigue your associates no closure. One suggestion; you can't ever be excessively formal in the working environment, except if you turn up in a tux, wherein case you may get abnormal looks. It's smarter to decide in favor of alert than be excessively easygoing. Something else; take a gander at what the high-up individuals in the organization are wearing and attempt to coordinate their degree of dressing. The manner in which you dress in the working environment can impact individuals' assessment of you, regardless of whether that appears to be materialistic. So power dressing, here we come. Ladies Culottes Missguided You presumably definitely realize that culottes are a stylish decision for the work environment at the present time. Be that as it may, did you likewise realize that they are light and agreeable; the ideal summer thing? You can get them for under £20 from ASOS and New Look. Additionally, here is a thing you can spruce up for work, yet in addition put something aside for the end of the week on the off chance that you pair them with coaches. Wear with: an apprehended shirt, a chiffon top, or a plain tee, contingent upon how shrewd you need to go. At that point pick a dazzling pair of heels or some level expressive dance siphons to go with them. Since a long time ago creased skirt P.A.R.O.S.H Since a long time ago creased skirts come in various materials, from chiffon to cowhide and you can pick both plain and designed plans. They are the ideal brilliant easygoing summer choice, suitable for work since they tumble to the knee however floaty enough to feel like you're dressing for the season. Wear with: a strappy cami or long-sleeved top took care of to your skirt. At that point pick either open-toe heels or shoes. Pencil dress French Connection Pencil dresses are exemplary and incredible for flaunting your figure. Pick one which sits on or just underneath the knee, and choose whether you need to include a belt. Look at Boohoo or HM for some keen work dresses at extraordinary costs. Wear with: a light cardigan and a low-obeyed shoe. Ensure that the dress fits you appropriately and is agreeable to sit and stroll in. You don't need it to be excessively close in the blistering climate. Three-quarter length pants Pinterest This is a staple thing for your mid year work closet. Go for a dark pair in the event that you need them to go with all the fixings, or a lighter shading on the off chance that you need them to look progressively occasional (as long as you won't spill your lunch on them). You can discover these pants at sensible costs, however it merits putting resources into a couple which fit you well. Wear with: a plain top or shirt and summer jacket. You can pick whatever shoe you like with this outfit; it looks similarly incredible with pads or heels. A-line skirt with high-neck top Inn Rocks On the off chance that you need to tan your legs, this is the decision for you! This is an incredible garment to get you in the state of mind for summer, and flawless to wear on a Friday since it looks similarly great on a night out. Simply ensure you don't go excessively short! Wear with: a high-neck top or jumper, and level shoes. Pack a shimmering top in your sack in case you're going straight making the rounds thereafter! Men Chinos Pinterest This look is most likely as easygoing as you need to go, however works very well as long as it coordinates the workplace vibe. Before you give this a shot, take a note of what others are wearing. In the event that there are chinos in abundance as you stroll around the workplace, you can feel free to shake this look. Wear with: an apprehended however easygoing shirt in a shading which works out in a good way for your chinos. Pants and petticoat Looktastic This sounds formal, yet you can undoubtedly make this fit the keen easygoing clothing regulation. Pick a couple of pants with a coordinating petticoat, at that point through an easygoing coat or coat over the top. Wear with: an easygoing shirt, in whatever design you like, a coat or jacket, and keen shoes. Pant and jumper combo All Saints This is unquestionably a victor. Pick brilliant pants yet relax this look with a jumper on top. Go for darker hues with a light shirt underneath for extreme modernity. Wear with: shrewd shoes and a light-hued shirt. Shrewd pants and shirt Pinterest Much the same as the women, here is your ideal dress-down Fridays choice. You should at present recognize office and loungewear on nowadays, so making some pants look keen is the best approach. Men's garments can be pricier than ladies' occasionally, however in any event with these things you can wear them at ends of the week as well. Wear with: an easygoing shirt or shrewd jumper. The full monty I have some quite uplifting news. You can go full scale suit without seeming as though you're making a decent attempt. The key is picking materials and examples which don't resemble a customary suit then just totally claiming the outfit. Force dressing to the maximum! Step by step instructions to wear: Achieve the shrewd easygoing suit look by picking softened cowhide pants, a designed shirt, and a tie. Group this with an easygoing overcoat and include a belt. In the event that dressing for work has been a concern, ideally you feel more sure at this point. From my experience, the key with the 'keen easygoing' clothing standard truly is focusing on what your partners are wearing and coordinating their degree of convention. Recall that office wear doesn't being exhausting either. You can in any case infuse your design sense into your outfits and zest them up with adornments. Similarly, don't feel like you need to burn through the entirety of your cash on garments for work. Some high-road and online shops have the things referenced above at entirely sensible costs, and stunningly better is the point at which you can purchase apparel which works for the two ends of the week and work days. Interface with Debut on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for additional professions bits of knowledge.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Say No to Gimmicks - Copeland Coaching

Say No to Gimmicks There seems to be a rumor about job searching floating around. Have you heard? Finding a job is easy. It’s easy as long as you format your resume in a very specific way, and you include the perfect phrases on your LinkedIn profile. There’s a very specific way that all recruiters want your resume to be formatted, and there are specific keywords they’re all looking for. Every successful job seeker knows these rules, and they’re not hard to learn. If this sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is. I tell every job seeker I meet with, “If you showed your resume to ten people, you would get ten opinions. There’s no one way to write a resume.” The same applies for your entire search. Sure, there are guidelines. There are best practices. But there’s no one specific layout or one specific set of words that’s going to turn your entire job search around. I’m not sure why these rumors exist, other than maybe they make sense of a process that can at times feel senseless. They put control back in just when you’re feeling out of control. In reality, there is no one way to perform an effective job search. There are many ways. There are many options that can work. What always works is a strategy to never give up. What works is trying various avenues until one does work. And, there are a few good general guidelines to keep in mind. First, manage your personal brand. When it comes to job searching, perceptions are reality. Your personal brand is impacted both in the online world, and in real life. Do a thorough check on Google to see what a recruiter might learn about you if they looked around. If you find questionable content, do your best to remove it or change it. In the offline world, think of things like your appearance, and other first impressions, such as how you shake hands or leave voicemail. Take the time to write thank you notes to those who help you. Keep in touch with those you care about. When it comes to your resume and LinkedIn, be sure they’re up to date. Check their accuracy. Ensure that you’re including detailed information, but write them in such a way that someone outside of your current industry could understand them. Job seeking is not an overnight endeavor. It takes time. It takes persistence. And, when you do land your dream job, it’s not going to be because you followed a gimmicky idea about how to write the perfect resume, or that you stuffed your LinkedIn profile with the right keywords. Your resume and LinkedIn profile are two pieces to a larger pie. They can help to support your case for getting a job, but these things alone will likely not land you your next gig. The next time you hear a suggestion that sounds like a gimmick, keep things in perspective. Consistency, persistence, and networking is what will work â€" every time. Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at