Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A world-leading technologist on what the year 2038 will look like

A world-leading technologist on what the year 2038 will look likeA world-leading technologist on what the year 2038 will look likeCurrently Senior Maverick atWiredmagazine,Kevin Kellyhelped launch the magazine and was its executive editor for its first seven years. He has written forThe New York Times,The Economist,Science,TIME, and mora, and is the bestselling author ofThe Inevitable Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future. He recently sat down withSrinivas Raoon theUnmistakable Creative podcastto discussthesurprisingchanges that societycan expect in the next 20 years.SriniInThe Inevitable, you said, Right now in 2016 is the best time to start up. Theres never been a better time with more opportunity, more openings, lower barriers, higher benefit-risk ratios, better returns, greater upside than now. Right now, this minute, this is the moment that folks in the future will look back on and say, Oh, to have been alive and well back then.That really struck m e, because its an overwhelmingly optimistic view of where were at. Can you tell me why you believe that?KevinI truly do believe this is the very best time in the history of the world to make something, because the tools for creation have never been more easily gotten. Theyve never been cheaper, theyve never been better, theyve never been as diverse. So if you want to write a book, make a movie, or record a song, some of the tools to do that are just about free, which means that almost anybody in the world can get their hands on them. Many of unterstellung things in previous generations were prohibitively expensive and relegated to the elites, but now you can make a book that looks as good as the book that the hottest bestselling author can make, and you can distribute it, and it will cost very little to do. New things like web apps or websites are also much easier to make than before, and this is the best time for making hardware because theres more and more tools.Were also on the c usp of all unterstellung transformative technologies and trends - so all the amazing things that weve had in the last 50 years, ten times as many are going to be coming in the next 50 years. You should be encuraged that all the good ideas are notlage behind us - theyre all in front of us. The degree of impact that, say, motors had on the world, or electricity had on the world, or printing had on the world, are going to pale compared to some of the things that are coming up. Theyre likely to occur in the next 30 years, and you are going to be alive at that moment, and you will have access to the tools. This is something that people should be rejoicing in, and maybe people in the future will look back with envy that we were here at this time, and had all these opportunities and could have done amazing things if we had wanted to.SriniIts interesting to hear you say that, because I recently got to see somebody who had been on vacation in Costa Rica and shot aerial footage with a drone camera, and it looked like the opening sequence to a Hollywood film. He was like, You can buy these drone cameras for $100 on Amazon.Can you give us an overview of what the 12 forces are, and how theyre going to impact our lives?KevinI selected 12 umbrella categories in the book, and each of these trends, these forces, are codependent. Theyre intertwined and self-reinforcing. Among these categories is the idea that were going to increase the amount of tracking in our lives - recording, surveillance, all of these. Anything we do that can be tracked will be tracked. Anything that can be measured will be measured.The same thing could be said about sharing - were going to be sharing more and more. And I dont mean just swapping photos. I mean collaborating, cooperating - thats what this technology is doing. Its increasing the range, the reach, and the speed with which were able to collaborate and cooperate with each other, making things that could not previously be made because we ca n now have 1,000 people, or a million people, or a billion people together working at the same time on something, collaborating and cooperating at even planetary scales.We are also cognifying, meaning that we are making everything smarter. Were making some very inert things more lifelike, were making dumb things smarter, were making smart things very smart. So this artificial smartness is permeating our lives, and it will have an impact way beyond what happened when we electrified and motorized everything, when we built skyscrapers, trains, highways, and factories because we didnt have to rely on the muscle power of animals or ourselves. Now were going to harness artificial intelligence, artificial minds, and thats going to have a second transformation way beyond what happened with the industrial revolution.Theres increasingly this shift from owning things to accessing things, because if you can deliver everything on demand, in real time, anywhere in the world, thats in many cases b etter than owning it, so theres a shift away from ownership - which is a foundation of capitalism, so thats a big shift.We are also shifting and overturning the way we manage attention. We may eventually even get paid for our attention to watch an ad, to read an email. Right now advertising has a big, outsized role in the internet world, but that could shift if we shifted the economics of attention. Were seeing more and more filtering, more and more curating. Thats necessary because our attention is limited, and all the things were making are growing exponentially. So there has to be a new economics around attention because we will simply see a smaller percent of everything that is made.Theres also the shift from answers being a foundational value to becoming a commodity. So if you want an answer, you ask a machine, and it will tell you the answer. Answers become cheap and ubiquitous, and I think well shift to valuing questions and uncertainty much more than we do now, because in t he world of free answers,a good question becomes more valuable.The other shift is from solid things to processes, to services. This is a shift from atomic solids to dematerialized intangibles, and thats the general shift thats been showing in our economy - we have this intangible idea-based, bit-based world of services and processes.Now were going to harness artificial intelligence, artificial minds, and thats going to have a second transformation way beyond what happened with the industrial revolution.SriniWhat are the implications of all this for human behavior?KevinTheres certainly going to be pushback. Humans crave novelty, but at the same time, our bodies and minds are initially resistant to change. Our minds are fairly plastic even as adults, and our bodies can learn, but it requires energy, so there is a built-in resistance to change that has to be overcome. A lot of this stuff is going to require new habits that I call techno-literacy, wherewe are going to become perpetual newbies, always having to learn new stuff.And that is tiresome. Its like, How many languages do I need to know? How many interfaces do I need to master? How many jobs do I need to have in my career? And the answer is going to be a lot of them. Youre going to be constantly changing.For some people, that was not the bargain that they grew up with, or were taught, and I think theres going to be some tough times for many people. But I firmly believe that people are capable of change. I think that with help from the government, we can move people, if theyre willing, to this new era where lifelong learning becomes the major skill you want. It doesnt really matter what language you learn, or what interface you learn, as long as you can learn new ones.That meta-skill of critical thinking becomes more important when we move towards this era where authorities dont have as much weight, where you have to assemble your own truth on the screen rather than from the authorities of authors and books . So theres a set of basic, essential meta-skills that I think should be taught not just to children but to adults. Our education systems were not set for that, but that, I think, is part of a transformation that we will continue.Were very malleable in the evolutionary sense. We are slowly inventing who we want to be, while at the same time trying to adapt to the things that were making.SriniChris Sacca has an almost dystopian view of the future, where were going to have the 1% and everybody else is going to be driving their Ubers and serving them lattes. You mentioned that were going to have multiple jobs throughout the course of our lifetimes. What is that going to look like based on where were headed and the trends that youve seen? I know that there are so many jobs today that didnt exist even 10 years ago.KevinI think there is an element of truth to what Chris is saying in the sense that any role or task that can be defined in terms of efficiency will be a job that we give to th e bots. Whether its manual labor or knowledge work, if its something where efficiency matters, then we give it to the bots, and that leaves us humans with a pretty wide open field of things where efficiency is not so critical.If you think about science, which is fundamentally built on one failure after another, thats terribly inefficient. And innovation is by definition inefficient because youre trying stuff, youre prototyping, youre spending a lot of time on things that may be a dead end as you try to figure out the best solution. So innovation is an entirely inefficient process, and so, by the way, is human relationships.Anything in which humans are working with other humans is this inherently inefficient time - you dont want productivity in there. So some of the service jobs are inefficient in that sense. When you are getting help from somebody, you dont want them to be concerned about efficiency - you want them to be concerned about effectiveness. Some of the things humans wil l do will be working with other humans, and right now we tend to denigrate that, but I think over the long term we may come to value that, because we humans cherish that kind of interaction. Having a nurse sit by your bedside for long periods of time is very inefficient, but very comforting to us. I think thats something that we will begin to appreciate more. Having somebody come into your house to fix something is not very efficient, but its something that we like. That service component is what well come to value even more.SriniOutside of serving lattes and driving Ubers - distributionspolitiks where you could easily replace somebody with a bot - what are the not-so-obvious careers where people may not be thinking, Hey, this is replaceable by a robot? What are we overlooking?KevinI mean, all the truck drivers will probably lose their jobs. But a friend of mine just did a workshop on auto-driven cars, and they were coming up with a bunch of different occupations that might relate . He was imagining these guys that would wait around areas where it looked really tough to navigate with auto-driven cars, and they would drive those cars through these parts, and then theyd get out. Their job would be to do the hard driving that AIs had not yet mastered.Thats something I talk about in the book - humans and AIs working together. Theyre like partners, and sometimes they do one job, then AI does another. If there are all these AIs around, then what we know about technology is that theyre going to break. So there will be a huge IT world of people keeping the AIs going. Thats both a manual job and a cerebral job. Theyre repair guys, but its a very techie job nonetheless, and I think theres going to be a huge need for that. Its going to be like a horse wrangler - just keeping these beasts happy is going to be a pretty big thing.Im not worried at all about the new jobs that will come up. I think well be surprised by how many new types of careers and roles and tasks are going to come up. Theyll be as weird to us as a web designer was to a farmer 150 years ago. Youd tell them, Hey, youre going to lose all your farming jobs. And then theyd say, What are we going to do? Youre going to be a web designer. Youre going to be a mortgage broker. Youre going to be a yoga teacher. And they would say, What? That doesnt make any sense.These new jobs wont make any sense to us either. Theres just going to be this never-ending surprise of the ways in which people will figure out new desires, new wants - its going to be amazing.We are slowly inventing who we want to be, while at the same time trying to adapt to the things that were making.SriniWhat does a day-to-day routine look like 20 years from now?KevinWell, the most obvious difference I think will be the degree to which AI will have permeated our lives, even though most of it wont be visible. Like the Netflix or Amazon recommendation engines - youre not aware them being AIs.Theyre just throwing up suggestion s for books. But thats the level of AI that will be operating behind the scenes - it will have a huge impact on our lives.There will be a few outward-facing AIs, and I suspect that the mode of interaction will be conversation and gestural. So they will be like the Amazon Echo, Alexa, and Siri where, like the movie Her, were having a conversation with them. That conversation will deepen over time and become very complex for many people, and I suggest that in 25, 30 years, the internet will be more of a conversation, a presence that we experience, rather than a place that we go to.This ongoing presence is like a GPS for our life. If you go down the road and disobey the GPSs instructions, the GPS is ready with an alternative route, and its anticipating your arrival time. If you again detour from that route, theres no problem - its got another one.So there will be a GPS for our lives in the sense that these AIs are anticipating what youre doing - theyre getting stuff ready for you, f iguring out, Youre going to go to lunch now, youll be over here, so Ill have this ready for you. And you decide, No, Im not going to do that. And then, No problem, I have another plan for you. This will be ready for you there instead. Theres this forever patient anticipation of us in our lives that I think will definitely have outward-facing AI within 30 years.SriniI have one last question What do you think it is that makes somebody or something unmistakable?KevinI think it goes back to the ability to see things differently. Every person on the planet - past, present, and future - has a slightly different mix of talents, just like our faces are different. And part of what technology is about is to invent different ways that that mix of talents can be expressed and shared - whether that means inventing musical instruments so thatthe genius of Mozart or Beethovencan be expressed and shared, or inventing the technology of cinema so that Alfred Hitchcocks genius can be expressed and shared. Just imagine if we had never invented that technology - what a loss to them, and to us, that would have been. There are people born today whose technology has not been invented, and in a certain sense, we have a moral obligation to invent, to enable more people to express their genius.But I think what unmistakable means is not just having that technology available, but actually coming to discover what it is about your mix thats particularly distinctive. For people who have found that way to express their mix, then we call them unmistakable, and its in part because they are not living someone elses movie - they are in their own movie. They are unmistakable in the sense that when that person is doing something, theres nobody else who can do it like theyre doing. Just as most people have an unmistakable face, I hope that we can all grow to have unmistakable lives.This article first appeared on Heleo. This conversation has been edited and condensed. Listen to the full version on theUnmistakable Creative podcast.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

4 Top-Tier Tools to Keep Your Employees Connected

4 Top-Tier Tools to Keep Your Employees Connected 4 Top-Tier Tools to Keep Your Employees Connected Communicating with clients is a critical work task as is regularly interacting with your fellow employees.Contrary to widely accepted belief, neither is more important than the other. Yes, loyal, long-term clients are the ones technically keeping your place of business afloat, but its a strong, unified gruppe that keeps things running properly. Youd be wise to keepit this way.If you want a unified team, you need to help your employees stay connected to one another. Recruiters and hiring managers put countless hours into onboarding the best talent your industry has to offer, and itsvital that this talent remains in constant, comfortable contact throughout the day.The good news? Its 2017. Carrier pigeons and long walks down seemingly endless hallways to relay a five-second message are things of the past. To keep your team as connected and effective as possible, all you really need are a few tried-and-true communication tools.1. DoLong gone are the days when meetings were all about discussing goals and ideas. Sure, a sizable number of meetings are still geared toward this kind of activity, butnew technologies have made them more efficient.This is where Do comes into the picture. Do is an all-inclusive, collaborative tool that allows people to take detailed notes, create agendas, and track progress, all while seated comfortably in a meeting.And thats not even the best part.Answer honestly During a meeting, have you ever asked yourself, Couldnt we have gone without getting together like this? If so, youre in luck. Dos Insights feature tracks how much time and money are spent on meetings, helping youensure youre only investing in worthwhile meetings.2. TrelloTheres a good chance you and your team have already heard of Trello. And you know what? That makes sense. Few tools are as well-equipped tokeep employees connected asTrello is.Email is nice, but whose inbox is r eally hurting for more incoming material? Trello provides employees with a smarter, more streamlined way to tackle project management through its board system.Staff members create boards representing key tasks whenever something needs to get down. Each board is composed of three columns To-Do, Doing, and Done. Assignments move from left to right until a project is confidently completed.3. BrosixMichael Jordan allegedlyonce said, Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. Though its unlikely unterstellung words were meant for the office, they still apply to the workplace quite well. Talent is crucial, but without unity, its all for naught.Brosixis a one-of-a-kind messaging tool designed to meet the demands of fast-paced business environments. Sure, Slack and Skype are great at what they do, but Brosix takes things to a whole new level.The biggest difference is Brosixs emphasis on safety. Brosix applies strong data encryption to any and all data transfers. Rea l-time messaging often includes critical private information. Its easier to protect that information when you useBrosix.Tech support, the ability to account for multiple languages, and an easy-to-use interface round outBrosixs up-and-coming messaging platform. I predict it wont be long before Brosix becomes a mainstay of all in-house communication.4. GoToMeetingWhile Do intends to help companies hold more effective meetings, GoToMeetingwants to make those meetings happen. GoToMeeting is a simple web conference solution that can bring professionals together from all over the globe.With just one click, GoToMeeting syncs to both Outlook and Google Calendar, making scheduling a straightforward affair. As for the meetings themselves, GoToMeetings HD video conferencing, screen-sharing, and dial-in connectivity make it easy to get everyone on the same page.Further strengthening GoToMeetings core offering is the programs capacity to provide on-screen drawings and real-time recordings for al l meeting participants. Its also incredibly affordable.Youre a recruiting professional. You know how urgent it is to find theright talent to bring about real, bottom-line growth. Buthiring the right personnel is only half the battle. Its equally important that employees work well together. The above tools can help your business create strong, unified teams that accomplish more.Lucas Miller is freelance blogger, direct response copywriter, and content marketer at Echelon Copy.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Lateral Department Transfers for Police

Lateral Department Transfers for PoliceLateral Department Transfers for PolicePolice recruiters are often asked, especially by those withcareers in criminal justice and criminology, about the possibility of lateral transfers from agency to agency. That is, can polizze officers, corrections officers, and other certified officers easily move jobs from one department to aelendher, one jurisdiction to another or even from one state to another? The idea seems simple enough in the private sector, plenty of people can find another job in their chosen field with another company or a new location with relative ease. Even for most government jobs, workers can easily get hired in a new city, county, state, or sometimes even country simply by showing theyre the best candidate for the job. Transferring to the United States If youre thinking about transferring from another country dual citizenship may be a requirement. In most cases, youll be required to be a U.S. citizen to work in certified criminal justice careers, which means youll have to spend some time in the U.S. working in another job and working toward naturalization before you can even be eligible to get certified Challenges The situation is not so simple when it comes to law enforcement and many other criminal justice fields. The difference is that, like doctors, lawyers and other regulated industries, policing and like careers are considered a profession. And like any other profession, professionals must be trained and perhaps more importantly - certified to perform their job. Certification requirements for criminal justice workers often differ slightly from state to state, so that law enforcement or corrections certificates do not easily transfer. Minimum age and other basic requirements may be differentso that just because youre eligible to be certified in one state does not mean you can get certified in another. That also means that if you want to move to a new state, you will have to receive more tr aining and pass that states officer certification exam to be able to work. Many certifying entities offer equivalency-of-training programs, which can allow you to demonstrate proficiencies in the high liability areas of Defensive Tactics, Firearms, First Aid and Vehicle Operations (driving) and then challenge the state officer certification exam. Some jurisdictions or agencies, however, may require you to attend an entire police academy all over again. In-State Transfers Moving to a new department is somewhat easier, if only because you wont have to get re-certified. Just because you dont have to get certified, though, doesnt mean it will be a seamless transfer. With an estimated 17,000 plus law enforcement agencies in the United States, each department has its own set of rules and policies in which youll need to be trained. Before you can even get to that point, though, you can expect to have to go through the same stringent hiring process and background investigations you expe rienced the first time you got hired. And since each agency has its own hiring standards, some issues in your past may keep you from getting hired by another department, even if your current employer was okay with them. Back to the Beginning One more major consideration when thinking about changing departments is the fact that, more often than not, youll be starting back at the bottom. If you have any rank, youll probably have to give it up. The same goes for seniority, which, in criminal justice careers means a great deal. Seniority, among other things, is often used to award shift preferences, new equipment, and other perks. While youll still be considered a veteran law enforcement officer, you shouldnt expect to get the same treatment as someone who has worked for your new department for years. Making the Right Decision There are reasons you may want to transfer your criminal justice job to another state or jurisdiction, like better pay, different working conditions or fa mily considerations to name just a few. Its not, however, something to be taken lightly. Whether youre looking for a change of scenery or a change of pace, make sure that transferring to another department is the right decision for you and your family.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Why your brain procrastinates and how to beat it

Why yur brain procrastinates and how to beat itWhy your brain procrastinates and how to beat itProcrastinators put off their to-do list, delay deadlines, and generally make more anxiety for themselves and the people around them waiting to see if they can pull it off. But a new study in Psychological Science finds that it may not be entirely their fault. Some brains are more wired to procrastinate.Why some are wired to procrastinateResearchers at Ruhr University Bochum looked at 264 parteeicipants brains and found that people with larger amygdalas - the parts of our brains that control emotions- were more likely to be procrastinators. These delayers were also more likely to have weaker connections between the amygdala and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex - the decision maker part of our brain when it comes to taking actions.The researchers suggest that these poorer connections interrupt our emotions and self-control and make it harder for people with these brains to focus.Individ uals with a larger amygdala may be more anxious about the negative consequences of an action - they tend to hesitate and put off things, Erhan Gen, one of the study authors, told the BBC. So next time you are having trouble focusing on work, you can blame your amygdala.How to workaround thisBut you are not doomed by your brain to be a procrastinator. Brains are flexible and you can break out of your procrastination loop once you understand your personal delay tactics.One piece of advice is to break the deadline into more manageable parts, so that you do not get too discouraged to start. If you are an email procrastinator, try making the job of clearing your inbox a daily habit. Respond in a timely manner and delegate the rest. People who made email checking a daily part of their workflow reported feeling less stressed than those who let it pile up, one study found.You can also try reframing the deadline date, so that it feels present. One study found that when people in the summer w ere faced with a deadline in December or one in January, they were more likely to start working immediately on the December deadline, even when the other choice is only one month apart, because we think in calendar years. When you work under a 12-month clock, a date in the calendar year seems more doable than one a year later. While time elapses continuously, it appears that consumers think of time categorically. When thinking of a deadline as being in the same category as the present, consumers are more likely to start working toward their goals sooner, the study authors concluded.And if personal motivation is not working, recognize that we respond better to outside pressure than our own. In a 2002 study, researchers Dan Ariely and Klaus Wertenbroch recruited 60 students for a test where students got penalized for turning in work late. Some of the students got a weekly deadline, some got one final deadline for all three projects, and some could choose their own deadline. The self-i mposed deadline group performed the worst and the group with external deadline performed the best.We can get trapped in our heads to put off our work, but once you start spotting your personal delay tactics, you can break yourself free from them.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Best Online Remote Jobs For College Students (Salaries)

Best Online Remote Jobs For College Students (Salaries)Best Online Remote Jobs For College Students (Salaries)Most college students look for some part-time work during their studies. It can be a great way to secure some relevant work experience while also earning some extra money so you can get ahead of your student loan payments, or even just increase your fun fund. But balancing a full course load, assignment deadlines and study sessions with a job can be difficult, no matter how many hours it may take up. Many normal part-time jobs dont offer the kind of flexibility students need. One solution that can work for busy college students is to work a remote job. But, what are remote jobs, what kind of skills do you need to get one, and what are the best remote jobs for college students? Great questions this article will addresseverything you need to know about remote jobs, and how you can use one to pay the bills while you study.This job hunting article coversWhat is a remote job?What are the benefits of working remotely zugnglich as a college or university student?The skills, education, and work experience you may need for working onlineTop 20 online remote jobs and their salaries for studentsHow to customize a resume to apply for an online jobWhat Is A Remote Job?A remote job, or an online job, is a job that is done remotely, instead of in the employers office. In other words, remote jobs dont require you to be physically present in the office, or sometimes even in the city, where your employer is located. You may have also heard of the terms virtual worker or digital nomad, which are essentially synonyms for remote worker. Virtual workers work entirely online and will never (or, at least, rarely) visit their companys physical office if there even is one. Digital nomads are remote workers who travel the globe (i.e. live nomadically) while they work online for one or mora companies. However, unlike gigs or freelancing, which are usually one-off projects and fa ll under contract work and/or self-employment, having a remote job still means you are someones employee.The internet allows entire gruppes of people to work together, no matter where in the world they might be located. Some organizations are only made up of remote workers, while others have some combination of on-location and remote employees.As technology continues to develop, remote jobs are becoming a mora accessible and more popular gestalt of flexible working. According to Gallups State of the American Workplace report, 43% of Americans said they spent at least some time working remotely in 2016.The Benefits of Working Remotely OnlineHaving a remote job as a college student allows you to earn money and build your experience in a way that works around your life as a student. It offers a great balance, no matter how many hours you put in at your remote job each month.Work Where You WantDont worry about taking the bus down to the office or even buying a new professional-looking w ardrobe. With a remote job, you can put in a few hours in the library between your afternoon classes, or you can enjoy the full freedom of working from bed in your PJs. If youre really good at managing your time and staying self-motivated, you can even work when youre on spring break or home for the holidays.Work When You WantSome remote jobs are more flexible than others, but most of the time you can work whenever best suits you. Some remote jobs require you to put in a certain number of hours or days each week, while others will simply ask you to time-manage and make sure you meet your deadlines.Be sure to read the job description carefully to understand whether you would need to be available during particular hours, to ensure the remote jobs requirements dont interfere with your class schedule.Save Money And TimeNot only will a remote job help you earn money, but it can also save you money when compared to a regular, non-remote job. An article from Simple Texting calculated that the average remote worker would save anywhere from $357 to $555 a year on gas by working remotely. The saatkorn article also suggests remote workers save between 198 and 343 hours of commute time each year. Thats a lot of time that can be better spent studying or earning a salary.Requirements of Working RemotelyNow that youre convinced that a remote job is right for you, youre probably wondering whether youre cut out for one. But there is more to working remotely than having a good internet connection and a computer. Keep reading for the common skills, education levels, and levels of work experience required of college students who work online remote jobs.SkillsCollege students who work online jobs need to be self-motivated, organized and good at time management. Remote employers will expect that youll be able to get your work done efficiently, even without your boss or coworkers watching over your shoulder.Even though remote workers wont work with their coworkers face-to-face, they also need to show good teamwork and collaboration skills. Working as part of a remote team has its own challenges, and demonstrating that you know how to work as part of a group is key. Interpersonal communication skills also play a huge role here, as youre going to have to be able to communicate with the rest of your team in a clear, efficient way to complete projects and tasks.Finally, because remote jobs are done online, youre going to need to have a good understanding of how to use online tools like email and social media. You may also want to get used to using common collaboration tools used by remote teams, like Slack, Basecamp, and Teamwork, or brush up on some of your digital skills like blogging or coding.Education LevelThose with a degree are more likely to work remotely. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, 46% of workers aged 25+ with an advanced degree worked remotely in 2017, compared to 12% of those aged 25+ with a high school diploma. However, this doesnt m ean college students cant work remotely. Like non-remote jobs, the level of education required for a remote job will depend on the nature of the job. As a college student, employers will expect you to have a high school diploma. Some may also require you to have completed a certain number of years of your degree, or may make a more general statement like some college experience required. Be sure to read the job description carefully to see if you meet the requirements. Work ExperienceAs a college student, you may not necessarily have a lot of work experience to put on your resume but, you can still apply for remote jobs. Here are some tips on how to apply for remote jobs, depending on your level of work experienceIf you have any previous remote work experience, be sure to list that first on your application and mention it in your cover letter.Look for remote jobs that are in the same or a similar field to your previous work experience. For example, if you spent a summer doing admin work at a local office, consider applying for virtual assistant jobs.If you have no work experience, there are still remote jobs out there for you. Think about past volunteer experience or extracurriculars. For example, if you used to write for your school newspaper, consider applying for content writing jobs.sc name=cta-create-resume-1Best 20 Remote Online Jobs For StudentsPlease bear in mind that the salary ranges presented here are based on full-time work. As a college student, your salary will likely be pro-rated depending on the hours you actually work.Entry-Level Or Limited Experience Required1. Virtual Call Center Agent ($2,542 $4,708/month)Many call centers will allow you to work from home. As a remote call center agent, you may have to answer customer inquiries and provide advice, or you might be asked to conduct market research.Common hiring requirements great communication and time-management skills, previous customer service experience a positivAverage salary $4,062/mon th2. Online English Teacher ($2,458 $3,917/month)Teach English online to people all around the world, from fellow students to geschftliches miteinander people. Some companies allow you to teach one-on-one, while others have small to large class sizes.Common hiring requirements proficient use of the English language (native or bilingual), English language teaching certificates (TEFL/TESOL/CELTA)Average salary $3,737/month3. Online Tutor ($2,667 $4,417/month)Do you really excel in one or more of your college classes? Consider tutoring other students online in one-on-one or group class sessions.Common hiring requirements strong academic skills, good time-management, excellent interpersonal communicationAverage salary $3,672/month4. Remote Teaching Assistant ($1,875 $3,333/month)If your college offers online courses, consider becoming a remote teaching assistant. Youll help fellow students get through their classes and understand their tests and assignments via email and other online communication tools.Common hiring requirements strong academic skills, good time-management, excellent interpersonal communicationAverage salary $3,146/month5. Virtual Data Entry ($2,083 $4,333/month)Remote data entry jobs require you to take the clients data in raw form (like survey responses) and entering them into a spreadsheet or other usable form. The client will usually show you how they want data to be entered.Common hiring requirements strong writing and typing skills, organized and self-motivated, some research experience is a plusAverage salary $4,458/month6. Transcriber ($2,917 $7,667/month)Remote transcribers (or transcriptionists) help their clients transcribe audio and video recordings so they can turn them into additional written content. Common hiring requirements transcription test score (for speed and accuracy), good time management skillsAverage salary $6,044/month7. Website or App Tester ($2,708 $7,833/month)Some web and app developers will hire user testers to use what theyve created and look for mistakes, bugs, and other issues. Youll report those issues to your client and give feedback.Common hiring requirements good time management, eye for detail, previous web development or UX experience a plusAverage salary $5,669/monthIntermediate Experience Required8. Remote Content Writer ($2,292 $4,875/month)Content writers help organizations write blog posts, articles and other content for their audience. As a content writer, you can write about anything from investment funds to the hottest travel destinations. Common hiring requirements strong writing and research skills, proficient use of the English language (native or bilingual), previous writing experience, passion for the subject matterAverage salary $3,996/month9. Virtual Editor ($2,625 $5,375/month)Many companies need help proofreading or editing the content their writers come up with. Virtual editors edit content based on the employers requirements.Common hiring requirements stron g writing and research skills, proficient use of the English language (native or bilingual), eye for detailAverage salary $4,567/month10. Remote Social Media Coordinator ($2,583 $3,875/month)Remote social media coordinators may be responsible for creating social media content (like photos, videos, and captions), engaging with other accounts and coming up with strategies to grow accounts.Common hiring requirements excellent knowledge of social media tools, understanding of social media analytics and KPIs, strong writing skills Average salary $3,478/month11. Virtual Assistant ($2,667 $7,875/month)Virtual assistants, like normal assistants, provide administrative services like scheduling meetings and phone calls, creating and editing documents, sending invoices and handling paperwork. However, virtual assistants do all this remotely via their computer.See alsoTop Seasonal Temporary Jobs for Students (With Salaries)Common hiring requirements strong organization and time-management ski lls, excellent communication skills, ability to multitask and meet deadlinesAverage salary $5,382/month12. Web Developer ($4,292 $7,417/month)Web developers work behind-the-scenes to make beautiful web designs a reality. Previous work experience is usually required, so youll want to have a portfolio of work ready to go. Bear in mind this doesnt have to be paid experience, and free websites you created for yourself or friends can be useful.Common hiring requirements strong programming skills, coding knowledge (HTML/CSS), previous web development experienceAverage salary $6,146/month13. Coding Specialist ($2,917 $3,750/month)Coding specialists work within web development and/or app development teams to create code. While you may not be responsible for an entire project, you will help a team bring an idea to life.Common hiring requirements excellent knowledge of HTML/CSS, great communication skills, knowledge of UX technology and best-practicesAverage salary $3,674/month14. Graphic D esigner ($2,792 $4,250/month)Students studying graphic design or art can get ahead in their career with part-time online work. You may help a company create logos, marketing materials, and social media graphics, among other things.Common hiring requirements previous design experience, portfolio of previous work, great time management and communication skills Average salary $3,698/month15. Video Editor ($2,625 $4,417/month)Help companies (or YouTube stars) edit their raw video footage and create great end products.Common hiring requirements previous video editing experience, great time-managementAverage salary $4,034/month16. Resume Writer ($2,708 $4,708/month)Put your job-seeking skills to use by helping others write or edit their resumes and cover letters. While this is usually more of a gig-based online job, recruitment companies may also hire remote workers to help.Common hiring requirements previous resume writing experience, good knowledge of resume writing best-practices, e xcellent writing skillsAverage salary $3,395/monthMore Experience Required (3-5+ Years)17. Remote Project Manager ($6,167 $9,375/month)Project managers help teams stick to their timeline and/or budget when completing a project, and helps support cross-team communication. This remote job is best for college students at the graduate level, or who already have some work experience.Common hiring requirements previous managerial experience, strong organizational and time-management skills, excellent communication skillsAverage salary $7,667/month18. Virtual Recruiter ($3,333 $5,000/month)Virtual recruiters help companies and recruitment firms scour the internet for great job candidates. Youll contact these potential new hires and pass on leads to your client(s), as well as post jobs and sometimes conduct interviews. Common hiring requirements good knowledge of recruitment best-practices, excellent communication skills, a few years of recruitment experienceAverage salary $6,659/month19. Academic Writer ($1,750 $4,333/month)Help fellow college students write and edit their academic work, from research papers to essays. While previous work experience may not be necessary, academic writers typically have a degree in the field they are assisting with. Common hiring requirements bachelors degree or some form of higher education, strong writing and research skills, proficient use of the English language (native or bilingual)Average salary $3,864/month20. Web Designer ($3,333 $5,985/month)Web designers are graphic designers who specialize in websites and often help digital marketing agencies or companies create or improve their website visually. Common hiring requirements previous design experience, portfolio of previous work, great time management and communication skills Average salary $4,822/monthHow To Write A Resume To Apply For A Remote JobWhile youre still going to want to follow general resume writing best-practices when applying for a remote job, you can custo mize your resume to make yourself more appealing to an employer hiring for a remote position. Remember that resumes should always be personalized to the individual job and that its never a good idea to submit the same generic resume for each remote job application. Online resume builders can help you pull everything together in one place, so you can duplicate and personalize your resume in a fraction of the time.1. Mention Your Previous Remote Work Experience FirstIf youve already done some remote work, mention this on your cover letter. You may also want to list your remote work experience in a separate section on your resume to really highlight it. Think outside the packung freelance work or any kind of work-from-home activities are all considered remote work experience. 2. Highlight Crucial SkillsWe touched on some of these important skills already, but remember that remote employers are going to be looking for particular skills like time management, self-discipline, initiative, organization and problem-solving, along with teamwork, collaboration, and interpersonal communication.3. Use Important KeywordsMany companies who recruit online use systems called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that scan applicants resumes for important keywords. If those keywords dont show up, your resume might get rejected automatically. So, be sure to read the job description carefully to try to identify some of these keywords, which usually show up in the required skills section. 4. Skip Your Address And Add Links InsteadBecause youll be working remotely, your physical address is less important. Instead, use the space you would normally use for your address to send the recruiter to your website, online portfolio or LinkedIn profile. 5. Show Some PersonalityWhile you always want to let your personality shine through on your resume, when applying for remote jobs its even more important that you tell them a little bit about who you are. Your remote employer may never meet you in person, and it will be important for them to get a sense of who you are so they can decide if youre a good cultural fit for their company. In your cover letter, consider talking about why you want to work remotely, or your interests outside of work. Remote teams tend to have a greater appreciation for work-life balance (thats why they offer the flexibility of working remotely), and they want to see that same appreciation in their employees.sc name=cta-create-resume-1Get Started And ApplyNow that you have an idea of what remote jobs can work for you (and your college student life) and how to apply for them, its time to start searching on reputable job boards for remote online jobs. Start by looking for the job titles listed in this article, or simply type remote jobs and see whats available. New remote jobs are being posted all the time, so consider subscribing to updates so you dont miss out on the perfect one.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Ultimate Business Insider Resume Trick

The Ultimate geschftliches miteinander Insider Resume Trick Meta descriptions permit you to influence the way your web pages are described and displayed in search success. On searching it online, you will get the record of templates for the specific position. Make certain you get the information youre looking for. In the event the page appears like its tough to read at a glance, it may be platzset aside. Your resume is your introduction to a possible employer that is exactly why it important to ensure that youre in a position to set up an amazing first impression in your resume. Utilizing the right resume format is essential in quickly draw in the eye of a prospective employer. Employers analyze the info written in the resume to learn whether the applicant is qualified for a particular position. Surely, you dont wish to bore your possible employer with lifeless simple resume. The Dos and Donts of Business Insider Resume Employers should know what youve done to add to the development of your department, team, and company to discover whether your strengths align with the demands and responsibilities of their business and the work opening, Nicolai states. Many businesses utilize some type of screening procedure to recognize the most suitable candidates. Also you must tailor your resume to the demands of the corporation. For example, as a waitress youre guaranteed to create skills in customer support, sales, and multi-tasking, all which may be very valuable to a prospective employer. You will understand the format composed of different resume sections. Resume sample with tips about what to include. Employing a sample resume to assist you spruce up your own doesnt indicate it needs to be bland. You can plattl the best amongst the many template samples out there. The End of Business Insider Resume Employers need numbers to be in a position to completely evaluate the reach of your bandwidth, Nicolai states. You are interested in being memorable . Numbers add context and draw the interest of recruiters. Writing a competitive application document demands a great deal of effort. however, it surely pays off. Explain why youd like to use them as a reference and ask how theyd care to get contacted. Your references dont want to get swamped with random calls, and theyll not appreciate their information being widely distributed. Always ask someone if you may use them as a reference before doing this. At the start of Alexas career, her advertising degree was one of her very best selling points. Whichever accounts you choose to add, make certain they are regularly maintained, professional, and support your present job targets. So whenever your dream job calls you, you can be certain to make it using a good resume in hand. There are many openings waiting for the perfect candidates and a great deal of potential staff seeking opportunities relevant for them. Possessing a whole lot of experience under your belt doesnt necess arily signify youve got an impressive resume. Otherwise, it is going to appear to a reader your school experience is the most vital to you-that shouldnt be the instance. The majority of the moment, applicants waste lots of time worrying what things to write in their resume, rather than how it needs to be written. The majority of other people with waiting experience could probably accurately compose the exact same specific thing. No matter if its your very first job resume or not, it is necessary to know that any resume should have 5 crucial elements. If youre unsure about your very own past accomplishments and results, speak to your former boss or coworkers and attempt to assemble data. As per a popular saying, theres only a single opportunity to produce a good first impression. When you review the work description, you find that theyre looking for somebody whos a specialist in Google AdWords. Sooner or later during your job hunt, you might be required to supply references either with your work application or at an interview. Every type of job demands explicit abilities, qualifications and expertise. Resumes are a huge deal, as so many men and women that are currently trying to find a job can attest to. Functional summary resume examples will show job seekers how to market their skills effectively to satisfy the skills required for the position theyre applying for. Also, its important to not forget that job titles dont have universal meaning. This format is most frequently employed by the job seekers now-a-days. How to Get Started with Business Insider Resume? Dense blocks of text are too hard to read, states Augustine. This report identifies some wonderful fonts to use if you wish to be unique, but professional. You can also see Modern Business Resume Templates One of the absolute most important things to keep in mind while writing a resume is that its not an autobiography. Embrace the essential details in every single part and full the fo rmat. You are able to visit the organizations About Us section and rewrite a couple of lines of the description. Thus, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a new light. Its possible to never underestimate the ability of a good resume format, especially if you are looking for employment. When you havent, it is not too late to take a look at this group of creative resumes. Task aspirants must be aware of a resume template rather than a courses vitae template. There are three main types of resume templates. Many applicants have begun employing this template now-a-days. There are three major types of resume templates.

Monday, December 2, 2019

When Do Close Relationships With Employees Harm Performance - Spark Hire

When Do Close Relationships With Employees Harm Performance - Spark HireEstablishing relationships in the workplace is vital to the success of any team in the office. Bosses or team leaders are taught to gain some sort of rapport with their subordinates for many reasons. Gaining an employees trust and getting them to work hard and diligently is directly linked to what kind of relationship you have with that employee and building teamwork in the office. However, there is a fine line between friend and employer, and crossing the line of fraternization can be detrimental to yourself and your team.So when do close relationships with your employees start interfering with your teams performance? Favoritism is one facet that can negatively affect your team and too close of a relationship can certainly lead to this. Its only natural for friends, and in this case coworkers, to support one aelendher. This includes promotions, certain perks or getting away with different rules that are put in p lace. If a relationship between an employer and employee becomes too personal, all of the above can be handled differently when the friendship is that strong. Even if the employee works hard and truly does deserve a promotion, your relationship will still have a negative effect. In the eyes of others, that employee, even though the promotion is warranted, looks like they received a promotion just because of their relationship with the employer.ansicht accusations, whether true or not, are perceived amongst your employees regardless. Even if no such favoritism is taking place, an employers history of past relationships will have an effect on how their employees interpret anybodys promotion or bonus in the future. If you have a reputation as a manager that likes to get buddy buddy this can tarnish your ability to manage. Thats why its so important to maintain everyone on an even keel and treat all employees fairly. Even a slight whiff of favoritism can cause uproar within a group of c oworkers.Tension can also cause problems within a working relationship. As in any relationship, people go through phases and their relationship status can fluctuate. A rift between an employee and employer that is not work related is not only unprofessional, it also damages the camaraderie of a team. Team unity may be one of the most important aspects of being a team leader and having one or multiple distractions is counterproductive.From what Ive just explained, it sounds like the best decision when handling employees is keeping it as professional as possible- although that is not necessarily the case. I did say that there is a fine line between personal relationships and a boss that truly cares for their employees. Its important to always keep it professional, but also show that youre more than just a boss concerned with productivity. There are numerous strategies that will allow you to walk this fine line. As an employer, instead of trying to build rapport with employees individu ally, build the relationship with the whole team. For instance, once a month have you and your team go out for lunch, or incorporate a weekend retreat with you and your employees. Even though there are some employees that you may have more things in common with, resist friendship for the sake of the organization and the team as a whole.Have trouble keeping the relationship with your employees at a distance? Did a close friendship in the office bring your team down in the past? Share your story with us in the comments or tweet me at ChrisOfficer.SOURCE Small Business ChronIMAGE Courtesy of Tastefully Offensive

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Roles and Responsibilities of a Meeting Leader

Roles and Responsibilities of a Meeting LeaderRoles and Responsibilities of a Meeting LeaderThe meeting leader is the employee who is responsible for planning, organizing, managing the details about, and inviting the participants to a meeting. They are the employee who is in charge of and responsible for the progress of the actual meeting. They take action before, during, and after the meeting to ensure that the meeting reaches its goals successfully. Who Leads the Meeting? The meeting leader is key in making meetings and gruppes successful. The employee who serves as the meeting leader is critically important. In some meetings, the leader is the department head, the team leader, or the person appointed by senior management to lead an initiative. These employees were selected for their leadership role because of their perceived skills as a manager or leader. Other times, an employee may emerge as the leader naturally. These leaders are employees that other employees look up to an d respect. On other occasions, a team may decide to rotate the leadership role among all members. This allows all team members to continue to develop their skills as meeting leaders, and in creating successful meetings, in general. Responsibilities of the Meeting Leader Following are the key responsibilities of a meeting leader. Determines the goal, task, or purpose that must be accomplished. This is often an assignment or part of the leaders job description.Decides whether a meeting is the best possible method for obtaining the goal or purpose or attaining the desired outcome. Answer the question is a meeting needed?Determines who needs to help plan the meeting.With a team or as the leader, decides upon the agenda for the meeting. (In ongoing meetings, this task is accomplished at the end of the current meeting.)Determines the date, time, and location most frequently using a shared organizational calendar. Puts together meeting pre-work such as reading, financial information, h istory, related team meeting minutes, and so forth.Invites participants and distributes assignments and pre-work allowing as much time as possible so participants come prepared to the meeting.Ensures that the meeting has a recorder or minute taker to document the proceedings and any commitments, action items, or decisions. Appoints a timekeeper, when necessary for the orderly conduct of a meeting.May use an icebreaker to warm up the participants and create an environment in which the meeting participants are comfortable communicating with each other and exchanging ideas and information. Arrives early and leads the meeting by keeping it on task, on track, and involving all participants so each feels that their presence was essential at the meeting. This ensures their participation in the next meetingSpices up the company meeting so that participants dont feel dull and bored. Whether using icebreakers, humor, or fun examples, no meeting should end without a laugh.Ensures that the next steps and action items are assigned and handled.Debriefs the meeting and plans the agenda for the next meeting. Follow up with participants between meetings to make sure that action items are on track and to offer assistance and/or resources if the volunteer is experiencing problems. Additional Leader Roles The meeting leader takes on these responsibilities but also has roles related to communication, reporting, and teammate performance. Every member of a team or meeting that is cross-functional has an obligation to keep his or her department or function informed about the activities and progress of a meeting or an ongoing team. They also have the responsibility to seek eingabe from coworkers who are not on the team or in the meeting. Not every employee can attend every meeting. The leader has the additional responsibility of keeping senior managers involved and informed through effective communication and feedback. Building ownership from employees outside of the team or meeti ng, especially organization leaders, ensures that the team or meeting is successful at developing, implementing and integrating its solutions or ideas. If a meeting participant is performing ineffectively in the meeting, the leader has the responsibility to correct the behavior through effective meeting leader techniques during the meeting and effective coaching outside of the meeting. A meeting participant who monopolizes the meeting with his or her opinions or criticizes other members for theirsmust be corrected before the individual sabotages the meetings success. These actions are necessary until meeting participants reach a level of comfort and maturity that allows them to assist the leader by chiming in themselves as ineffective events unfold and dysfunctional members interrupt progress. An effective meeting leader doesnt guarantee that a project or team performs successfully, but he or she is a key contributing factor when projects, departments, meetings or teams succeed. Mee ting minutes are an effective contributor to successful meetings when minutes are appropriately written and distributed in a timely manner.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Answer Questions About Succeeding in a Job

How to Answer Questions About Succeeding in a JobHow to Answer Questions About Succeeding in a JobRecruiters will find many different ways to appraise your qualifications for a job, and one way they might go about this is by asking you about what qualifications, abilities, and strong points you have that will help you most successful in the job. What Are Your Qualifications? Most interviewers will probe your core strengths to determine how you might make the greatest impact if hired. You should be prepared to share the qualifications you have that will enable you to do succeed in the position along with some examples to illustrate why they are important to the job. Your Strengths vs. Their Key Qualifications The best way to prepare to respond is to start with a careful examination of the key qualifications that your employer is seeking. Look for an essential qualification that corresponds well with one of your most rang und namen haben assets. Often employers will list the sk ills they are seeking and you can use those listed to extrapolate additional relevant skills to mention. This approach is especially useful if you have those additional skills but are lacking in some of the ones they mention. The STAR Method Think of a situation in which you applied that strength to the advantage of your employer and be ready to share any positive results that you generated. If possible, prepare two or three stories of how you have added value in different contexts by tapping that strength. Point out how that strength might be beneficial to the employer with whom you are interviewing. Dont expect them to make the logical leap for you point out directly how this strength will benefit them. A natural way to do this is the use the STAR method describe the situation and the task that needed to be completed, explain the actionyou took and result generated by taking that action. Having your STAR explanations prepared for each qualification will keep you from stumbling during your interview. Interviewers will often follow up with a question about another strength or two that has led to your success on the job. Be prepared to discuss several strengths that would be highly applicable to the job at hand and how they are beneficial to the company with whom you are interviewing. How to Figure out Your Core Strengths If youre not sure what your core strengths are, now is a good time to figure them out, in advance of your interview.There are a few ways you can do this Ask someoneIts often hard to assess our own strengths and weaknesses but a friend or colleague you trust should be able to shed some light on the topic for you.Check out LinkedIn Browse the skills and endorsements on LinkedIn for people in similar roles to your own. The skills for which they are most highly endorsed are likely ones you have too.Consider previous achievements and praise When youve received feedback from your colleagues and managers, what has been said about your work?Wh ether the feedback came from a professor or a boss, it could be useful now in identifying what yourqualifications, abilities, and strong points are.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Study The top 5 cities attracting the most out-of-area workers

Study The top 5 cities attracting the most out-of-area workersStudy The top 5 cities attracting the most out-of-area workersTurns out that people have a habit of moving to certain cities for work. In fact,recent research from Glassdoor shows that San Francisco is the city in their analysis with the most workers seeking new employment from elsewhere.Glassdoor analyzedmora than 668,000 online job applications over the course of a week in January that people started on the platform. The applications were for the 40 largest U.S. untergrundbahn areas, which Glassdoor defines as a large city with at least 10,000 in population, plus all nearby areas that are socially and economically linked, as defined by commute-to-work patterns.Top 5 cities attracting the most workers from outside the areaHere are the 5 most popular cities on the list, with the percentage of people who applied from out of town, in addition to the most popular places theyre fromSan Francisco 12.4% mostly moving from San J ose, Los Angeles, New York City, Sacramento and ChicagoNew York City 8.4% mostly moving from Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Boston, Los Angeles and ChicagoSan Jose 6.9% mostly moving from San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Dallas-Fort Worth, San DiegoLos Angeles 6.8% mostly moving from Riverside, CA, New York City, San Francisco, San Diego, San JoseWashington, D.C. 4.3% mostly moving from Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, ChicagoThe research found that overall, an average of 28.5% of applications started on Glassdoor were to locations outside of an applicants current metro.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career nachrichten and advice wherever you go.Glassdoor Chief Economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, who carried out the research, commented on the findingsPicking up your life and moving for a job is a major decision. But in a job market where workers are in high demand and many employers are eager to hire, the employers who understand where talent is heading and what influences them to consider a move will have a recruiting advantage, Chamberlain said. Our research shows that employers should think broader when it comes to their recruiting strategies, as the quality talent they want may not only be found in their local market, but across the country.Top 5 cities in which workers are looking to leaveHere are the cities with the highest percentage of job applications seeking positions in other cities.Providence, RI 52.2%San Jose, CA 47.6%Riverside, CA 47.3%Baltimore, MD 45.6%Sacramento, CA 44.4%The research also touched on the type of people who are moving awayfor new positionsYounger workers are more likely to be metro movers. On average, the older a worker, the less likely theyre willing to move for a job. In fact, each one higher age group (which corresponds to roughly 10 years) predicts candidates will be 7 percentage points less likely to be a metro mover, the re port reads. For employers who need to hire experienced candidates from other areas, recruiters should plan to actively recruit these candidates - and be prepared to compensate more senior movers with either premium offers or have excellent workplace culture.